Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • ISO9001 Training Awareness - Clause Requirements

    • Annex SL Overview

    • Clause 4 Introduction

    • Clause 4.1 Understanding the context of the organisation (1)

    • Clause 4.2 Meeting the needs and expectations of interested parties

    • Clause 4.4 The Quality Management Systems and its Processes

    • Clause 4.3 Scope of the QMS/ISMS

    • Quiz

  2. 2
    • Clause 5.1 Leadership and commitment

    • Clause 5.2 Policy

    • Sample Quality Management Policy

    • Clause 5.3 Roles, responsibilities and authority

    • Leadership quiz

  3. 3
    • Actions to Address Risk & Oppurtunity

    • Example risk register

    • Clause 6.2 Quality objectives and planning to achieve them

    • Example - QMS Objectives Program

    • Clause 6.3 Planning for change

    • Risk and Opportunity quiz

  4. 4
    • Clause 7.1 Support

    • Clause 7.2 Competence

    • Clause 7.3 Awareness

    • Clause 7.4 Communication

    • Clause 7.5 Documentation

    • Quiz

  5. 5
    • Clause 8.1 Oerational Planning & Control

    • Clause 8.2 Requirements for products and services

    • Clause 8.3 Design and Development

    • Clause 8.4 Control of Goods and Services

    • Clause 8.5 Production and Service Provision

    • Clause 8.6 release of products and services

    • Clause 8.7 Control of Non Conforming product

    • Quiz

  6. 6
    • Clause 9.1 Performance Evaluation

    • Clause 9.2 Internal Audit

    • Clause 9.3 Management Review

    • Quiz

  7. 7
    • Clause 10.1 Improvement

    • Clause 10.2 Non Conformity & Corrective Actions

    • Sample non conformity report

    • Clause 10.3 Continual Improvement

    • Untitled quiz